A style of yoga for your unique needs

We all have unique bodies, minds and lives. This means that we all need to practice a different style of yoga!


Yin Yoga

A very gentle style where we do not stand or use our muscles. In this meditative style we find stillness and softness with calming music. 

Yang Yoga

Also known as vinyasa or hatha yoga, this style is dynamic with flows that use our muscles and get the blood pumping, but nothing is forced. Move at your own pace, in your own way. 

Yin / Yang Yoga

A delicious blend where we begin slow, move towards more energetic poses and then melt into some long-held stretches at the end. 

Yoga + meditation

We move gently and deliberately to prepare our bodies to sit for 10-15 minutes, training our bodies and minds to find ease and peace in the present. 


Ancient techniques with tons of benefits for modern yogis! We will practice gently moving our energy through the retention and modification of the breath, and feeling into the effects of our practice. 

Kirtan Mantras

We come together once a month to chant mantras in English, French and Sanskrit which help us to manifest presence, compassion, wisdom, Divine love and other energies we wish to embody. 

Yang/Yin Yoga

Gentle movement building up to some more intensity, before slowing down completely for relaxing long-held yin poses. Perfect for total body balance. 

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Yoga + Meditation

We will practice some more traditional yoga poses and vinyasa flows to prepare our bodies for a short meditation to end the session with, training our minds and bodies. 

Yin Yoga

Feeling exhausted and in need of nourishment? This class is for you. Come and melt into the ground while being held in a warm cocoon of soft music and uplifting words. 

Gentle Movement Yoga

If you’re feeling tired and stiff this is the perfect class for you. We will move slowly and deliberately to get energy flowing through our whole bodies, revitalising and grounding ourselves. 


Follow or message me on Instagram to see what I’ve got going on!